

Student Narrative: 

Over the 4 years I have been in this program, I can say, without a doubt, that it has changed me as a person. I'd say it's a good change. Before Inspire, I basically had no friends, or at least a very small amount, though being in Inspire and getting the chance to interact with others, I have no problem talking and interacting with people, at least when I want to. Not only that, but Inspire has also improved my grades with their amazing tutoring program. When I say I was failing math like every year, i really was. Though, with the help and support of my tutors…well lets just say I’m not failing anymore. Definitely saved me a lot of lectures. Not only is their tutoring beneficial, but their field trips, as well. I mean, we went to Google! Not only are they fun and exciting, but they are also educational. On that same  trip, I learned a lot about technology and stuff like that. In conclusion, Inspire is just great.

Parent Testimonial: 

As a parent I am extremely thankful for the Inspire program.  Over the last 4 years Inspire has contributed to Jaden’s academic and social emotional growth immensely. I have watched him mature and “come out of his shell” as a direct result of his participation in the program. Inspire has provided him countless opportunities and experiences. I most appreciate the exposure to various career paths and activity that he may otherwise may not have been able to take part in.