

Student Narrative:

The inspire program has helped me grow tremendously in school and as a person because of the amazing tutoring and inspiring trips. Tutoring has helped my math and ELA grades a lot. Before tutoring my grade in math used to be a 72 and now it’s a 86 due to the tutoring this amazing program has provided. The most inspiring field trip has been when we went to the Montclair Art Museum. It made me realize my love for art.


Parent Testimonial: 

As a parent the Inspire program has helped my daughter's  social skills and grades. I am so proud of my daughter and the Inspire program for providing her inspiring trips and free tutoring. This program helped my daughter decide which colleges she wants to get into because of these educational trips. The tutoring has also helped my daughters math grade go from a 72 to an 86. I am so grateful  that the Inspire program helps my daughter academically and socially. I highly appreciate how they care about my daughters future and grades. I really see a difference in my daughter, she has really grown and improved as a person because of this program.