

Student Narrative:

My experience with Project Inspire has completely changed my perspective on what I plan on doing with my future. I have greatly benefited from Project Inspire because of how much I have learned. All of the field trips have given me an opportunity to learn about different career paths which have helped me greatly to figure out what I am and am not interested in. In time, helping me figure out what I want to be. I do not have one specific field trip that I benefited the most from, however there are many field trips of which I participated in that helped me realize what careers aren't meant for me. In Project Inspire, I am provided with free tutoring which has benefited me enormously with my academics, which will help me in the future for college and other things. I definitely feel like Inspire has made an impact on me and coincidentally, “inspired” me to do and become many things thanks to the wonderful Ms. Liz, Ms. Gonzalez, Ms. Amanda, and Ms. June, who have helped me along the way.


Parent Testimonial:

Hello, my name is Fatou. I'm Heba’s mom. My experience from the Inspire program is that I see my daughter developing very well. She became very confident, outspoken, and progressed much better in school. I know that she is going in the right direction. I appreciate everything you are doing for her and the other kids.

Thank you